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10 UK Most Respected Nursing Colleges

Nursing is one of the most important and highly valued careers, not only in Britain, but also around the world. It is valued for its care for the sick and the less able in the society and ranges from palliative care for those who have life-shortening illness to midwifery; and from dental to surgical nursing. The UK has some of the best nursing colleges, and it is usually a hard task to rank the top 10 most respected nursing colleges. This is an attempt by www.assignmentclub.co.uk to give an overview of some of these colleges:

University of Glasgow

It is one of the few nursing colleges that have topped the nursing rankings for two consecutive years. It missed the first spot in 2015 but bounced back a year later. Besides its overall score of 100.0, the University of Glasgow has retained its top position because of the services it offers its nursing students such as personal advisors to help the individual students grow and develop their skills in the profession. It also offers its nursing students a chance to see more of the world before fully embarking on their nursing careers.

University of Edinburgh

It is one of the nursing colleges that have the highest entry standards around the world. This is accredited to its efforts in encouraging students to take up nursing degrees, which has seen it rise from position six in the last two years. Furthermore, their nursing program has a small course size that students say gives more intimate relationship with their tutors and hence enhances professionalism.

Bangor University

Bangor University’s breakthrough into the UK’s top 10 is accredited to its excellent all-round scores in research quality, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and the entry standards. It is one of the colleges in the UK that have a promising future as a top institution for nursing.

University of Surrey

The University of Surrey has a top five ranking for entry standards and research quality, as well as a 99% in graduate prospects. The nursing program at the institution prepares a student’s various faculties including communication and critical thinking, as well as decision making.

University of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool has maintained a top five position for the last couple of years and its high ranking is attributed to its 4.49/5.00 on student satisfaction as well as the nursing leadership among its students. It also has high prospects for graduates who are considered more confident professionally.

University of Leeds

The University of Leeds has 100% graduate prospects, making it a top university of choice for those who wish to pursue a career in nursing. It also offers an opportunity to its students to learn abroad to help them foot their career in nursing.

University of East Anglia

The institution holds a top ten for research quality, graduate prospects, and entry standards. The institution offers its students control over their learning and also a strong support network that helps them grow professionally.

University of Birmingham

The institution moved from a third position to eighth. It owes its top ten ranking to its graduate prospects, which scores at 99% putting it at a joint-second in a field that is very competitive. The nursing program at University of Birmingham gives students an opportunity to get a taste of various types of nursing before making a choice on a particular area of focus.

University of Manchester

Having been kicked out of top ten in the previous year, the institution has made a comeback owing to its second highest score in research quality and an impressive percentage on graduate prospects. It is one of the institutions that students consider as a fine place for prospective nursing students.

University of Southampton

The institution also made a comeback into the top ten most respected nursing colleges in the UK having been bundled out a few years ago. It ranks higher because of its research quality as well as graduate prospects which stand at 98%.

If you are a nursing student looking for a professional UK nursing writing assistance, AssignmentClub.co.uk do offer custom writing assistance in all major nursing subjects and topics. Our assistance also include various academic documents types like essays, research paper, capstone project, dissertation among others.

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