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Sprint Nextel Sample

Sprint Nextel has become a giant among the wireless companies by the merger of two companies. The companies involved in the merger were Sprint, which was ranked third in the US, with Nextel Communications that was fifth largest in the US. The company has a clientele of subscriber that are over fifty million in the United States. Based on the number of subscribers it comes third after companies like Verizon and Cingular. The company, however, is the largest all-digital wireless coverage provider in the US. Sprint Nextel provides its services in all fifty states and offers local exchange phone services for an excess of seven million access lines. Sprint has a relatively wide coverage in the East Coast compared to other regions in the US. However, it has left a few holes in the area in terms of service provision. The company has its main offices in Overland Park, Kansas. It has an employee population of about forty thousand (Agar, 112)

The firm’s growth came in the 1970s, to become the largest telephone provider that is independent in the US. The company ten years later entered into X.25 data service that is a long distance voice service together with Uninet. The plan ensured it made complete fiber optics coverage in the whole country (Standard & Poor’s 500 Guide, 14). The company then later offered a service, telespectrum, which was centered on providing cellular telephone services. It later sold this service to Centel. The company, however, acquired the company, Centel in the 1990s in a bid to re-enter the wireless market. The combination of wireless, local and long distance services made Sprint a unique company among its competitors. Sprint later developed a worldwide IP network that offered over ten gigabits per second foundation in the transatlantic areas, moving to 3G in 2002. The purchase of Nextel resulted to its renaming to Sprint Nextel. Its main competitors are Verizon Communications, Cingular and IT&T (Standard & Poor’s 500 Guide, 14).

An Executive Chairman, who is also the head of the board of directors, leads the company. A president who also serves as both the chief executive officer and a director is in charge of the company’s day-to-day operations. A chief operations officer and chief financial officer assist the president. Also in the leadership hierarchy, is a senior vice president who is in-charge of Corporate Strategy and Development (Bruner, 203)

The payment services by Sprint require $40 for a two-year data plan for subsidized phones. For those who buy the phones at full price, a plan of $15 is offered to them. The plan depends on the amount of data a client is planning to acquire. The company offers an improved deal for iPhone shoppers on single lines. They get to pay only $50 for unlimited talk-time and messaging. Other phones’ buyers get the offer at an additional ten dollars. These data deals are relatively cheap for Sprint’s unlimited data users. Sprint also offers promotions on a temporary basis. Sprint’s data prices are the cheapest among its competitors. The company is gearing towards clients who choose to upgrade early to their plans. The single line deal of sixty dollars for an unlimited talk and messaging plan proves to be a good plan (Fcc Record, 36)

The company has made tremendous efforts to improve their customer service. Customer experience can be directly influenced by the nature of customer service. Even though Sprint rarely engages with customers directly during installations, it realizes the importance of a workable customer service. The company has ensured the quality of their services to reduce the possibility of customers complaining. The company had a customer care strategy that is different from the common call durations by the client. It instead adopted a strategy that is aimed towards first call resolution. This move is one of the major factors contributing to the company’s path to the peak of telecommunications by ensuring their customers are satisfied. Its competitors, however, have left behind the company in their retail presence. The company has also been unable to reach economies of scale (Crawford, 414).

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