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Political system and war Sample


Type: Essay

Subject: Anthropology

Subject area: All Subjects

Education Level: College

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: MLA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Political system and war



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The term “cultural invasion” refers to the process through which concepts, meanings, and values are spread over the world in a manner that extends and intensifies existing social relationships. This process is characterized by the widespread consumption of cultures that have been disseminated throughout the world as a result of international travel, the Internet, and popular culture media (Athikho Kaisii, 2017). The processes of commodities exchange and colonization, which have a longer history of transporting cultural meaning over the world, have been bolstered as a result of this development. Individuals are given the opportunity to participate in extended social ties that span both national and regional boundaries thanks to the dissemination of cultural practices. On a purely material level, the formation and growth of such social relations are not the only things that can be seen (Athikho Kaisii, 2017). People’s individual and collective cultural identities are associated with the norms and information that they have gained via the process of cultural globalization, which entails the establishment of common standards and knowledge (Bhatia, 2017). It brings to an increase in the degree of connectivity between various communities and cultures.

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When it comes to cultural invasion from a foreign country, there is always an indirect pattern and method of penetration into societies can be explained by the concept of cultural invasion, particularly in the formerly colonial states (Strang, 2016). As a result, this phenomena has become significantly more widespread with the introduction of globalization principles, which occurred along with the ease of access and reach afforded to information and ideas by the advancement of communication technologies (Bhatia, 2017). Therefore, in this sense, globalization has a cultural dimension, which refers to a culture that has certain cultural boundaries. This culture has developed as a result of the worldwide spread of ideas, beliefs, values, convictions, and tendencies with a Western character, as well as the openness that has emerged among world cultures as a result of modern communication and the free transmission of ideas and information (Athikho Kaisii, 2017). Not to mention dependency in the educational process and cultural alienation as a concealed intellectual invasion, which takes away many civilizations and their values, the information revolution impacted certain aspects of the cultural entity that have cracked down under the pretext of keeping pace with the changes that have occurred in other countries (McLaughlin, 2014). In their destructive way, they wind up being dependent on the resources that soft power provides.

These days, communities or sociological groups are entities that are both consumerist and adaptable, with thoughts and impulses that are both exterior and intrusive (Strang, 2016). Just like during the Vietnam war, the methods of filtering and controlling these contents are somewhat complex in terms of the potential repercussions that they could have on the state and individuals simultaneously, both in the near term and the long term to investigate the cultural infiltrations that occur between nations and the potential threats that these infiltrations provide to the societal institutions (McLaughlin, 2014).

In summary, often during cultural invasion, the main agenda is not always clear, since in most cases foreign countries will invade another country on the argument of globalization. The impact however has not been similar as some countries happen to benefit more than the others. Cultural invasion has both positive, and negative regard to the society since the host nation will be required to adjust itself in various issues related to social connection, governance, economic and political development in order to fit in to the new culture. 


Athikho Kaisii. (2017). Globalization, hybridization and cultural invasion – Korean Wave in India’s north east. Asian Communication Research, 14(1), 10-35. https://doi.org/10.20879/acr.2017.14.1.10

Bhatia, S. (2017). The cultural psychology of globalization. Oxford Scholarship Online. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199964727.003.0002

McLaughlin, K. (2014, August 25). The Vietnam War: 5 things you might not know. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2014/06/20/us/vietnam-war-five-things/

Strang, G. B. (2016). ‘Places in the African sun’: Social Darwinism, demographics and the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. Collision of Empires, 11-31. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315572727-2


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