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Accenture is an IT consulting firm and sis among the top IT consulting firms in Kenya. The company is known for its four arms of top performance namely, Accenture strategy, Accenture digital, Accenture technology and Accenture operations. The company has been providing management consulting, outsourcing and technology services. The paper discusses the SWOT analysis for Accenture Company. Its SWOT analysis will analyze its position in the BPO market.


The largest consulting firm globally-in terms of revenue, it is the largest consulting It business around the globe. The firm has a fantastic ethics in business and when it comes to performance, it does not compromise.

Strong clientele- the firm has a large client based whereby it acts as a consulting firm to many organizations with top notch companies seeking their services. For instance, 90% of the 100 fortune companies and over a half of all global companies have chosen Accenture as their consulting firm.

Network of service delivery- the firms have a delivery network globally whereby it is present in more than 56 countries, 200 cities and has employed around 390,000 very passionate employees who work continually to give the best service.

Processes which are client driven-the firm has very strong business relations and approaches which are customer-driven and this has helped Accenture to create an industry based and a sustainable value for the consulting partners.


Lack of coordination- the firm has 19 units of business which work collaboratively with the clients and also with. This has often led to conflicts since there is no internal coordination. It depends much on its consulting business instead of pitting equal focus on IT and BPO which can add revenue.

One major weakness of the company is getting too comfortable with its differentiation strategies leading to its competition beating it. The company uses a lot of cash in the advertising processes thereby having fewer finances to contribute to its growth. Paying its workers high salaries that are provided with the insurance health. This is a weakness since the company is left with less disposable income to spend on its operations.


On opportunity is expansion of business, where the firm can target small and mid-sized projects to grow its market share. It can also enter into mergers and acquisitions like it did with Gaspo and Agilex solution thus reducing competition. The company also has the opportunities to expand its operation to the foreign markets especially the emerging markets.

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